GDB 10 – More Review – Success Group 9.
I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Select THREE concepts, theories, people, and/or events from the (study guide below) to explain to your group members (two sentences per term, etc.). Then, list at least two concepts, theories, people, and/or events that you are still having difficulty understanding.
When replying to ALL your group members, be sure to assess whether the explanations provided by your group members are accurate and attempt to provide an answer to one of the concepts, theories, people, and/or events that a group member has listed as having difficulty understanding.
IMPORTANT: for your original post, you may not select any concepts, theories, people, and/or events that another group member has already explained and posted about. So, the early bird gets the worm in terms of unrestricted selection.