GERONTOLOGY 5067- Final Exam

GERONTOLOGY 5067- Final Exam.

I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.

Final Exam

GERO5067 Programs and Policy in Gerontology

Final Exam

You must answer 3 questions total among the ones listed. Note that you must answer the first question listed and then 2 from the four listed on the second half of the page. As a guide, your responses should be not more than 2-3 double-spaced pages per question. It would be easy to write much more, but be concise. If you have kept up with the readings and discussion questions, it should take you about 30 minutes per question. Do not forget your citations and references.

Please complete this in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect format. Use only one document. If you try to attach a separate document for each question, Moodle will not let you. Make sure you label your responses using the numbering system below. Make it clear where one question response ends and another begins. DO NOT email me your final exam; attach it to this assignment post in Moodle.

NOTE: All responses have to be based on research. Unless you are specifically asked for your opinion or personal experience in the field, do not give it.

Everyone must answer the following question. Do not state your opinions unless you are directly asked for it; ALL information in your responses need to be based upon empirical data/research.

Describe what retirement looks like for older adults. How has it changed since the mid-1900s, especially as it pertains to health care? What are the policy implications of these changes? What should we consider as the key issues for older adults retiring in 2025?

Choose 2 of the following questions to answer. As above, do not include your opinions unless asked for them; all information is to based upon research.

1 Describe the major areas of aging public policy as we move into the second decade of the new century. Which do you believe are the most important and why?

2 How has public policy changed regarding senior housing conditions over the years? What is the current state of affairs and what deficiencies are there in the system?

3 What programs are available for continuing education for older adults? How should public policies consider the realities of cognitive aging to shape these programs (or develop new ones) in the future?

4 How do the areas of aging public policy and research interact when addressing public services and funding? How do education, public policy, research, and practice fit together to maximize the well being of older adults?

GERONTOLOGY 5067- Final Exam

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