Grading Rubrics & Template for commentary 1

Grading Rubrics & Template for commentary 1.

I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

Hi all,

I have several announcements for the requirement for the commentary and the class in general:

1. I have attached the PowerPoint for commentary guidelines in this email.

2. I’m not necessarily your teaching assistant, and I have already uploaded the name of the TA assigned to you in the grade center. Please check who is your TA, and you should ask your own TA who grades all of your assignments if you have any questions.

3. You should compare three films in your commentary, that are listed as “film screenings” in the syllabus. For this week’s commentary, you should write about Viva Tonal: The Dance Age 跳舞時代, Le Moulin 風車詩社, Dousan: A Borrowed Life 多桑

Grading Rubrics & Template for commentary 1

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