Health: A Community View Historical Factors: Community Health Nursing in Context Community Assessment and Population Health Problems 1

Health: A Community View Historical Factors: Community Health Nursing in Context Community Assessment and Population Health Problems 1.

Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.

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The questions don’t be must copied in the work. It must be identified by numbers. For example

1. Healthy People 2020 can be used for————————–

2. eight components of a comprehensive school health program are———————————


1. Compare and contrast the definitions of health from a public health nursing perspective and list and explain the, three levels of prevention and give an example of each one.

2. Mention and discuss community/public health nursing interventions as explained by the intervention Wheel.

3. Describe and explain the process of conducting a community health assessment and identify and discuss the uses for epidemiological data at each step of the nursing process.

4. Compare the application of the public health principles to the nation’s major health problems at the turn of the twentieth century (i.e. acute disease) with the beginning of the twenty-first century (i.e. chronic disease) and mention and discuss the major contemporary issues facing community/public health nursing, and trace the historical roots to the present.

Health: A Community View Historical Factors: Community Health Nursing in Context Community Assessment and Population Health Problems 1

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