Health and Medical

Nursing and Medical


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Community Health Assessments Nursing
CRITERIA Meets Expectations

Approaching Expectations

Not Meeting Expectations

1. Reflects on current theory and clinical class with concepts and theories using the Program Learning Outcomes and BSN Essentials listed in the syllabus.

1. Reflects on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other (transfer of knowledge to apply to clinical)- Focused to Current Term.

2. Synthesizes theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience.

3. Uses skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues

4. Applies knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
1. Limited reflection on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other (transfer of knowledge to apply to clinical)- Focused to Current Term.

2. Limited synthesis of theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience

3. Use limited skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues

4. Applies limited knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
1.No reflection on current theory class and clinical and how courses support each other

2. Does not synthesize theories and concepts from liberal education to build an understanding of the human experience

3. Does not use skills of inquiry and analysis to address practice issues

4. Does not apply knowledge of social and cultural factors in the care of populations encountered in this course.
2. Develops an effective communication style for interacting with current patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health team when providing holistic, patient centered nursing care to populations encountered in this course. 1. Reflects on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course.

2. Describes inter-collaborative involvement (i.e. Interprofessional rounds; consultations and interaction with PT/OT; Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacist consultation—describe their role/ contribution.)

1. A limited reflection on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course.

2. Describes limited inter-collaborative involvement

1. No reflection on providing holistic patient care to populations encountered in this course.

2. Does not describes inter-collaborative involvement
3. Models leadership when providing safe, quality nursing care; coordinating the healthcare team; and when tasked with oversight and accountability for care delivery.

1. Describe an event that demonstrates:

• application of leadership concepts, skills and decision making in theprovision of high quality nursing care,

• healthcare team coordination

• the oversight and accountability for care delivery

2. Describe an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team
1. Describes limited

• leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care,

• healthcare team coordination and the oversight and accountability for care delivery

2. Limited description of an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team

Gives no examples of leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings

2. Does not describe an event that demonstrates leadership, appropriate teambuilding and collaborative strategies to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team

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Health and Medical

Health and Medical.

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


The health care reform debate is not a new one. The plan for a national system was a Hillary Clinton platform when she was First Lady. In 2010, President Barrack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). President Donald Trump is now looking to “repeal and replace” the PPACA.

It is incumbent on us all to become as informed about health care reform as possible because it affects us, our family, and loved ones. Use the module readings and your own research to respond to the following questions:

  1. List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform from experts, interest groups, etc.
  2. Discuss how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) fits (or does not fit) with the recommendations.

Length: Submit a 3-page paper, not including the cover page and the reference list.

Part 2

The overall goal of the Session Long Project is to examine health care delivery in the United States. Read the article “Remaking the American health care system: A positive reflection on the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on mental health care” by Ogundipe, Alam, Gazula, Olagbemiro, Osiezagha, Rahn, and Richie (2015). After reading the article and conducting your own research, please respond to the following questions.

  1. What is the intended purpose of the PPACA that was signed into law in 2010? Will it meet its intended purpose based on what you’ve read in this article and from your own research on the topic?
  2. Has PPACA met its intended purpose based on what you’ve read in this article and from your own research on the topic?
  3. What do the authors state are the issues with the quality of care being provided?
  4. Identify and discuss the four mechanisms that have been implemented by the PPACA.

Length: Submit a 3-page paper, not including the cover page and the reference list.


Berwick, D. M. (2017). Understanding the American healthcare reform debate. British Medical Journal (Online), 357.

Dixon, B. J. (2017). Novel healthcare reform starts with owning our mistakes. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 33(2), 81-83.

Howrigon, R. (2017). How did we get here? The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 33(1), 5-6.

McCarthy, M. (2017). US doctors’ groups call for parties to work together on healthcare reform. British Medical Journal (Online), 356. doi:10.1136/bmj.j1543

McKinnon, B. J. (2017). If only it were that simple. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 96(9), 354-360.

Ogundipe, B., Alam, F., Gazula, L., Olagbemiro, Y., Osiezagha, K., Bailey, R., & Richie, W., (2015). Remaking the American health care system: A positive reflection on the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on mental health care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(1), 49-61.

Reiboldt, M. (2017). Tax bill kills hope for healthcare reform. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 33(3), 135.

Rundio, A. (2017). Counting the cost of healthcare reform. Nursing Management (2014+), 23(9), 14. doi:10.7748/nm.23.9.14.s20

Stone, P. W. (2017). Determining value in the U.S. healthcare system. Nursing Economics, 35(3), 142-144.

Warren, M. (2017). Defining health in the era of value-based care: The six Cs of health and healthcare. Cureus, 9(2). doi:10.7759/cureus.1046

Optional Reading

Barton, N. (2017). Warm lessons from our frozen neighbors: Reviewing the PPACA’s effectiveness through a comparative analysis with the Canada Health Act. University of Louisville Law Review, 55(3), 355.

Health and Medical

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