Health sciences and medicine

In 5-6 pages answer one of the following questions, using at least EIGHT peer-reviewed
sources. Non-peer reviewed sources (including pop magazines like Psychology Today) are
highly discouraged. Be sure to use proper APA parenthetical citations and to include a
bibliography (which doesn’t count against the page limit). Your essay should clearly answer
the question.
1) Electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) looked to be disappearing from the toolkit of
psychiatry in the 1960s and 1970s, only to experience a resurgence towards the end of the
20th century and early 21st century. How can we best explain this renewed use, especially
with so many less controversial treatments available?
2) Recent decades have witnessed heated discussions over the utility of many treatments,
such as ECT, SSRI medications, and psychoanalysis. It has been suggested that the
debates over treatment within the world of mental healthcare are far more polarized and
rancorous than equivalent debates in other medical specialties. Why has this been the
3) Over the past ten years, many major pharmaceutical companies have shut down their
research and development teams dedicated to discovering new psychopharmaceuticals.
Such a move was surprising for many people, given the profitability of mental health
divisions. How can we explain this development? /0x4*

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