help in writing couple of paragraphs about a technology.
I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.
What to write about ? i want you to write about business-modeling techniques to answer these questions of A NASA Technology
what is the Technology ? here is the technology description
here is the patent of the NASA Technology
What to write about ?
- Customer segment
- For whom are you creating value?
- Who are your most important customers?
- What value do you deliver to the customer?
- Which one of your customer’s problems are you helping to solve?
- Which customer needs are you satisfying?
- What bundles of products and services are you offering to each customer segment?
- Channels
- Through which channels do your customer segments want to be reached?
- How are you reaching them now?
- How are your channels integrated? Which ones work best?
- Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are you integrating them with customer routines?
- Customer relationships
- What type of relationship does each of your customer segments expect you to establish and maintain with them?
- Which ones have you established? How costly are they?
- How are they integrated with the rest of your businesss model?
i attached a sample of a research paper from another topic ( LOOK AT SAMPLE IT IS VERY HELPFUL) I will also send to you my First Check-In of the research