Help me brainstorm Topics for course project.

Help me brainstorm Topics for course project..

I’m working on a Law question and need guidance to help me study.

Please help me to brainstorm ideas for this project. I was originally thinking healthcare in the prison system, but now I am undecided. I will need help in writing this project through the next 9 weeks also. I am undecided on what part of the criminal justice system I want to work in so any topic pick is open. Please read through the attached document and let me know what you think. Thank you.

Your project for this capstone course will require you to demonstrate your mastery of the program outcomes by analyzing and writing about an issue that will provide a foundation for the development of either a program or a policy proposal within your chosen specialization. To demonstrate proficiency of the program learning outcomes, you will develop your selected topic specific to each outcome. In the Criminal Justice Capstone Project, you will identify and define a problem you feel needs to be addressed within your discipline (emergency management, criminal justice, or homeland security), describe the significance of to serve as the basis for the development of a program, implementation of a new policy or change to an existing policy, and design an appropriate solution that is specific and measurable for purposes of effectiveness based on the delineated goals and objectives.

Help me brainstorm Topics for course project.

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