HI360/HIM3644 esearch three performance indicators (clinical or financial) other than the three indicators listed above. Write a 2 page paper which explains how the performance indicators you selected have an impact on the revenue cycle.

HI360/HIM3644 esearch three performance indicators (clinical or financial) other than the three indicators listed above. Write a 2 page paper which explains how the performance indicators you selected have an impact on the revenue cycle..

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Key performance indicators should represent areas that need improvement. The indicators should be designed to measure performance improvement. Before deciding on a specific performance indicator, current levels should be assessed for the areas of improvement and compared to the standard.

Sample Performance indicators include the following:

  • Percentage of denials by third-party payers
  • Pre-registered patient “no shows”
  • Place of Service (POS) cash collection

Research three performance indicators (clinical or financial) other than the three indicators listed above. Write a 2-3 page paper which explains how the performance indicators you selected have an impact on the revenue cycle.

Your paper should use APA format, including in text citations and a References page.

HI360/HIM3644 esearch three performance indicators (clinical or financial) other than the three indicators listed above. Write a 2 page paper which explains how the performance indicators you selected have an impact on the revenue cycle.

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