hist-101, The impact of “the lost generation” of ww1 had on the recovering countries

hist-101, The impact of “the lost generation” of ww1 had on the recovering countries.

I don’t know how to handle this History question and need guidance.

You will write a 10-12 page research paper on a topic of your choosing based on the materials

covered in class. The topic is of your choosing but must cover the time period and focus of the

course. The paper must be double spaced, Times New Roman with 12 Font, and have a proper

introduction and conclusion. The paper must also incorporate at least 10 sources of academic

quality, “Wikipedia does not count.” Sources include at least 2 primary sources or books and

articles, newspapers, video materials, or audio broadcasts etc. If you have a question, check with


hist-101, The impact of “the lost generation” of ww1 had on the recovering countries

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