How did the concept "religion" affect people past and in present,

How did the concept "religion" affect people past and in present,.

I’m working on a History question and need guidance to help me study.

For your final paper, envision this scenario:

You have been asked to present a lecture on one of the units from this course. Explain

the material that you would find most important to include, the material that would be most

likely to surprise the audience, and a misconception that the audience might hold on the topic

that you would like to correct.

Use at least three academic sources You can use the course textbook, but it does not

count towards the three-source minimum. Again, the sources must be academic, i.e. peer-

reviewed scholarship.

The writing should be argument and based on the writers opinion.

the writing should be argument about anything in “religion” and use at least 3 acadamic sources

1250+ words

How did the concept "religion" affect people past and in present,

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