Human Resource Management PPT

Human Resource Management PPT.

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

Need to prepare a Powerpoint presentation on the following topic

Develop a compensation and benefits package that you would like to be offered from your organization. There should be different plan for each company. Need to prepare five slides for their preferred benefits package for each company

Below are the companies:

1. PwC – Pricewaterhouse Coopers Ltd.

2. Mariott

3. American Express

4. Reed smith

5. Indiana University health

6. Spectrum

7. Master Card

8. Charter Spectrum

Requirement: Minimum 40slides excluding cover slide and reference slide. Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section. Must need at least 8 references. Need to use in-text citations. In-text citation and the references (on the reference slide) must be in APA format.

Human Resource Management PPT

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