Human Resource Management: Report

Human Resource Management: Report.

I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

Human Resource Management: Report


  1. Review the Schedule below, to identify the Industry: Strategy combination for your group.


  1. Document a GROUP HRM STRATEGY for your company, in support of the corporate strategy; that include the following topics:
    1. Strategic HR Planning [ 10 Marks]

[Discuss the Corporate Strategy impact on HR, Develop an HR Strategy linked to the Corporate Strategy, Identify the HR Planning techniques to be used]

b. Performance Management and Compensation [10 Marks]

[What and How will you measure performance towards the new strategy, Select and justify a Compensation Strategy]

c. Training and Development and Worker Safety [10 Marks]

[What behaviors will you training for in workers and supervisors, How will you measure the success of worker training, How will you improve worker safety]

PART C: Industry / Strategy Schedule



20 % Reduction in Sales force size – 25 salesman and 10 admin staff to be fired

Group 9

General Instructions:Submit via SafeAssign, on Blackboard

  1. Word limit:3000 word

Human Resource Management: Report

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