I need a 6 page essay.
I’m studying for my Literature class and need an explanation.
A literary critical essay on (Girl Interrupted) (Book) argumentative/persuasive. It need to have two reliable secondary sources: one of which may be a review of the memoir from reputable press (e.g New York Times, New Yorker, Washington Post, Rolling Stone)
Source (this one can be used): https://sherman.library.nova.edu
(I like this one better) Topic option: How the author found herself questioning the notion of normalcy after being admitted to a psychiatric ward. Kaysen insists she was misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Her diagnostic was indeed inadequate, although Kaysen exhibited symptoms of mental illness, she wasn’t suffering from borderline personality disorder, as she there was a lack of evidence to support such claim. Kaysen was a “normal girl” who was temporality interrupted by her mental illness.
Topic Option 2# : The memoir focuses on Susanna’s first hand experiences and struggles she undergoes at McLean. Kaysen makes up for this by creating a very vivid image of the struggles she faced while at McLean. With the use of letters, clinical notes, admission forms, nursing notes, and progress notes, Kaysen proves that her story and struggle was actually real. It is a very vivid two year experience that gives you true insight of how life is like in a mental institution.
(last option) Topic 2# option: Is to analyze the narrative structure of the memoir and explain how this form supports and reinforces the memoirist’s narrative (thematic purpose)