i need a paper in APA format [Follow the instructions]

i need a paper in APA format [Follow the instructions].

I’m trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.


  • Please read these two articles:
  • Then go around in your residence / dwelling (home, apartment, condo, etc) and be creative.
  • Identify at least five appliances or devices that you THINK could be forensically analyzed and then identify how this might be useful in an investigation. Note – do not count your computer or mobile device. Those are obvious!
  • I expect at least one paragraph answer for each device.

Why did I assign this?

The goal is to have you start THINKING about how any device, that is capable of holding electronic data (and transmitting to the Internet) could be useful in an particular investigation!

i need a paper in APA format [Follow the instructions]

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