I need it by Thursday afternoon.

I need it by Thursday afternoon..

I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.

  • When talking about obesity many will say that obesity is primarily genetic and the majority of those who obese cannot help it. However others argue that if the high levels of obesity were primarily caused by genetics then this should be a problem that has always existed. Yet as stated in the above article just 30 years ago there was a much smaller percentage of people who were obese.Discussion Question:
    • What is your perspective on the cause of obesity for the large majority of those who are facing this problem?
    • Whether you believe that the primary cause of obesity is genetics or lifestyle what has happened in our society since 1980 that has resulted in
      doubled or tripled rates of obesity in adults and children?
    • What can be done in your own community to turn the obesity trend around? What kind of program might you create in this effort to bring health back
      to our society?
    • What advice would you give to a friend coping with a weight issue to help them bring about long term change?

    Note: Remember to cite a source in your primary post. Also refer to the Psychology Discussion Requirements listed under Getting Started.

I need it by Thursday afternoon.

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