igneous rock and earthquakes

igneous rock and earthquakes.

I need help with a Geology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Igneous rocks formed from the solidification of molten materials such as magma or lava. There are over 700 types of igneous rocks that have been described.

Choose any igneous rock and write a two page, double spaced report on the particular rock. The report should include: where it is normally found, physical properties, geology, everyday uses, etc. Please include a picture, be creative as possible! Include references at the end of the report, there should be no less than three references. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source. Before submitting proof-read, the report should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document.

Listed are some common igneous rocks:

  • Obsidian
  • Andesite
  • Diorite
  • Gabbro
  • Pumice
  • Scoria
  • Granite
  • Rhyolite


choose any historic earthquake and write a two page, double spaced report on the particular earthquake event. Please include in the report: date it happen, location, magnitude, plate boundaries involved, geology, deaths, and destruction to name a few. Write the report as if your telling a story about the actual event. Also include at least three references at the end of the report. Please do not use Wikipedia as a source. Before submitting please proof-read, the report should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document.

AND ————————————

Perform an Internet search for global warming in the news and find one recent (within the last week, or month) article. In your report please include the link to the article, and your opinions based on the article. Was the article well written, does it support global warming? What can we learn from this article? Is the author for or against global warming? The report needs to be at least 2 paragraphs.

Please finish ALL by the time frame!

igneous rock and earthquakes

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