Imagine a friend has just lost his job which helped him cover tuition costs. Apply Lazarus and Folkman’s cognitive theory of stress and describe his potential reactions to this job loss. In your answer, be sure to describe the following: Stressful Event,

Imagine a friend has just lost his job which helped him cover tuition costs. Apply Lazarus and Folkman’s cognitive theory of stress and describe his potential reactions to this job loss. In your answer, be sure to describe the following: Stressful Event,.

Need help with my Psychology question – I’m studying for my class.

Imagine a friend has just lost his job which helped him cover tuition costs. Apply Lazarus and Folkman’s cognitive theory of stress and describe his potential reactions to this job loss. In your answer, be sure to describe the following: Stressful Event, Primary Appraisal, Secondary Appraisal, and Stress Response.

To help ensure the auto-feedback system will function properly, your response must contain a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000 words, though individual prompts or your instructor may provide a more precise target range for word count. Your response will be automatically reviewed by the system, and you will receive your grade after your instructor reviews and returns the scores. Your response should not contain in-text parenthetical citations or other special headers or formatting.

  1. Your essay should be at least 500 words, and not more than 750 words.
  2. Do NOT use parenthetical citations in your paper.
  3. Do not use special headers or formatting in your paper.

Imagine a friend has just lost his job which helped him cover tuition costs. Apply Lazarus and Folkman’s cognitive theory of stress and describe his potential reactions to this job loss. In your answer, be sure to describe the following: Stressful Event,

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