Implementing a Simulation of basic operations of Operating System.

Implementing a Simulation of basic operations of Operating System..

I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

1. Simulate the following process of the kernel of an O.S :

Dispatching, scheduling transitioning

Dispatching following a round robin technique and priority

Change the status of process accordingly

2. Create two threads of the same program in JAVA and run them at the same time. Choose the kind of thread and the program you like. You can also use the runnable interface or the thread class.

3. Describe in your own words with all possible details, the process execution in SOLARIS of a program that generate several processes and several threads in a multicore system.(at least half-page)

  • The code for the simulation in 1) can be pseudocode or a programming language.
  • A Diagram representing classes, methods, functions or any other structure must be provided
  • Please do not plagiarize


You can refer to this book and ppt.………

Please do not plagiarize

Implementing a Simulation of basic operations of Operating System.

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