In 500 words answer

In 500 words answer.

I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

After reading the above article and researching other examples of what some companies are facing, post your response and a defense of your position to the following questions:

  • Do you feel a policy restricting employee Internet use is ethically sound?
  • Do you feel that the monitoring of employee activity on the computer is ethically sound?
  • What are the business implications for employees’ personal use of company assets?
  • What approach will you take to address this issue with the jewelry company?

The following case study provides an example of an ethical/legal issue faced by many HR professionals. The issue of technology in the workplace and employee use of the technology has become an increasingly common challenge, and you have seen how this may be an issue with the jewelry company.

In 500 words answer

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