Internal Communication Memo.
I’m working on a Communications question and need guidance to help me study.
Select a corporate/business (for-profit) environment. Create a strategic internal communication memo to employees in response to mounting internal rumors as described in the provided scenario. Integrate transparency and awareness to calm fears, alleviate tension, and elevate employee morale. Review the module resources and other online examples of strategic best practices by respected communication professionals. This milestone will allow you to demonstrate your ability to manipulate innovative communication efforts for disinterested and despondent audience members in support of a real world scenario as outlined in the Final Project I: Visual Strategic Communication Portfolio.
Textbook: Managerial communication: Strategies and applications, Chapter 7
Blog Article: 8 Ways to Communicate Change to Employees
This Limeade Marketing blog article outlines eight ways to deliver effective communications with employees during change.
Article: HR Best Practices During Organizational Change
This article by the American Management Association discusses the process of communicating change to employees through a shared vision, an outline of the change, and a timeline for the change to occur.
Webpage: Sample Memo
This sample memo from the Purdue Online Writing Lab provides students with the standard format of a workplace memo.
PDF: How the Fundamentals Have Evolved and the Best Adapt
This 2013¬–2014 study and report by Towers Watson provides research regarding change management for organizations, the implementation of effective workplace communications, and the power of creating a culture of community and information sharing.
Video: Julian Treasure: 5 Ways to Listen Better (cc) (7:50)
This TED Talk features renowned sound consultant Julian Treasure and explains the ways to increase listening skills and how to respond effectively to others as you listen.
Video: Employee Communication at Starbucks (cc) (4:02)
This video explains the processes utilized at Starbucks to provide genuine and transparent dialogue with employees and to support employees during a transition in leadership.
Video: Steve Jobs Talks About Managing People (cc) (2:26)
This brief video clip features Steve Jobs and explains the Apple environment of employee engagement and communication exchange.
Article: Difference between Monologic and Dialogic Communication
This article summarizes the key attributes of monologic versus dialogic communication.