Introduction of DNP Project Proposal.
I need an explanation for this Nursing question to help me study.
The Purpose of this Assignment is to complete Section I of the DNP Project Proposal.
For this Assignment, you will develop your introduction to the problem. Your introduction must:
- be a minimum of 8 pages in length (excluding title page and references);
- be supported with a minimum of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources (external to those assigned for this unit);
- follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
- be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
- display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
- use APA 6th edition style and format.
The content for the introduction to the problem should include:
- Identified need and problem statement
- Background and significance of problem to health care/nursing
- Needs Assessment (data specific to the practice site that supports the need for the project; available resources).
- Identify target population/community
- Project purpose/goal, e.g., what is your product
- concepts and definitions used in the project;
- Relationship of project to advanced nursing practice;
- Identify the DNP Essential aligned with the project
- Discussion of how identified practice setting will support project’s development project alignment with practice site mission and goals.
- Identify key stakeholders
- Benefit of project to practice clinical area
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Define scope of project (what the project will and will not do)
Information is provided, however, more info is needed and organize the content provided.