Is Communicating Anger or Threats More Effective in Negotiation

Is Communicating Anger or Threats More Effective in Negotiation.

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Hot or Cold: Is Communicating Anger or Threats More Effective in Negotiation

  • Read the required article for this week’s discussion, and answer the following question:
  • Are threats or anger more effective in negotiation?
  • Please discuss the authors’ findings on the issue, and provide your own input based on the experience.

Sinaceur, M., Van Kleef, G. A., Neale, M. A., Adam, H., & Haag, C. (2011). Hot or cold: Is communicating anger or threats more effective in negotiation? Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(5), 1018-1032.

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Is Communicating Anger or Threats More Effective in Negotiation

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