Kalief Browder

Kalief Browder.

I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.

Kalief Browder- 5 pages

Imagine you encounter Kalief Browder right after his arrest for joyriding in the bakery truck. Keep in mind this is before he is arrested for backpack. Please complete ALL of the following

1. Conduct a risk assessment of Kalief using format of SAVRY.

Fill out actual SAVRY (Historical risk factors, Social risk factors, Individual Risk factors, Protective factors, and Summery Risk Rating)

For number 1 of your essay please write a page long summery of your risk assessment of Kalief at the time of his arrest for bakery truck. This includes a lengthy explanation of all the considerations that went into your summary risk rating.

2. Use Kalief, at the time of the bakery truck arrest, to explain the dual systems model of adolescent brain development.

3. According to Moffitt’s theory, at the time of bakery truck arrest, what type of juvenile offender would Kalief mostly likely fall into and why?

4. What disposition would you recommend to Kalief at the time of bakery truck arrest? Use models of rehabilitation we discussed in class.

Please turn actual SAVRY and 5 page essay

i have uploaded 3 pictures of the savry form. please complete the form in a word document so i can fill out my actual form. & also this savry assement is needed to complete the paper.

Kalief Browder

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