Lab BSBA BIS245A-6

Lab BSBA BIS245A-6.

I don’t know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.

    • Deliverables:

Upload the modified Lab6_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab6.accdb to the Week 6 Lab Assignment.




Part A

Step 1: Create a Simple Report—Lab6_Report1

Part A

Step 2: Create a report using Report Design—Lab6_Report2

Part A

Step 3: Creating Multitable Reports—Lab6_Report3

Part A

Step 4: Adding a Subreport—Lab6_Report4

Part A

Step 5: Create Mailing Labels—Lab6_Report5

Part B

Step 1: Create a Report—Lab6_Report6

Part B

Step 2: Create a Multitable Report—Lab6_Report7

Lab BSBA BIS245A-6

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