Leadership Philosophy Assignment.
I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance.
Students will complete a “statement of leaders
Students will complete a “statement of leadership philosophy” that will act as either their final exam or an important paper in the class. Their statements will range from 3 – 5 pages. Statements must address each of the following components.
1) Answers to any two of the questions from the list below which uses specific terms, concepts, ideas and quotations from the readings, class discussions, class activities and lectures to support your response.
üIs leadership an art or is it a science?
üAre leaders different from managers?
üCan there be good and bad “leaders”?
üDoes leadership even matter in a complex and changing global environment?
üDo followers get the leaders they deserve or create?
üCan we predict who will emerge as leaders?
ü Can leadership be learned?
ü Is leadership an end state or a continual process?
ü Are leaders born or made?
ü What is the primary function or job of a leader?
ü What metaphor or simile best captures the essence of leadership?
2) A discussion of how their understanding of leadership was challenged, changed, or enhaced as a result of the class discussions, lectures, activities & their readings for the term.
3) An assessment of their leadership strengths & weaknesses in light of the material covered in this class.
4) A discussion that clearly specifies how you they plan to personally apply the material covered and the insights they have gathered from this class.
Leadership statements should be creatively & professionally packaged. They should demonstrate clear and specific references to terms, concepts and ideas from the readings.