LING 101; Research Paper on : Difficulties faced by Bilingual Children

LING 101; Research Paper on : Difficulties faced by Bilingual Children.

I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Topic: Difficulties faced by Bilingual Children

A (90-100%):

  • ●Includes a clear thesis statement
  • ●Supports the thesis statement with evidence and examples from credible sources
  • ●Shows a strong understanding of basic linguistic concepts and uses terms correctly
  • ●Includes at least five credible sources and properly cites them
  • ●Uses proper formatting throughout the paper
  • ●Is between 1000-1500 words, excluding the Works Cited page
  • ●Presentation is engaging, informative, and within the required time limit
  • ●Topic and works cited page submitted on time

Sources: You should have at least five sources, which may be books, academic journals, or any serious scholarly work. Generally, it is best to use sources from the GCC library, including the online database. You may NOT use Wikipedia. If you use an online source, be sure that it is reliable.

Length and format: Your paper should be between 1000-1500 words, excluding the Works Cited page. It should follow MLA format: typed in 12-point Times New Roman


you may use the file i have uploaded; it’s my work cited page…

LING 101; Research Paper on : Difficulties faced by Bilingual Children

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