Managing Organizations Essay

Managing Organizations Essay.

I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Students will individually write an action-oriented paper that outlines how they will apply the frameworks, principles, and best practices from this course to their (a) personal leadership development goals, and (b) organization or department, function, or business unit. The following outline represents a suggested structure for your paper:

  1. Introduction (½ pp.): Formally introduce the purpose and goals of your paper, and preview the main sections of your paper.
  2. Your Position, Organizational Context, and Advancement Goals: (1 pp.):
    Provide descriptive information on (a) your current position (role, responsibilities, etc.) and organizational context (the stakeholders, clients/customers, and other departments/teams for which you are engaged), (b) the current leadership or influence challenges and opportunities that you are currently experiencing (or will experience in the next year, and (c) your leadership development and career advancement goals. This section of the paper is intended to describe important elements of your current job and organization context, and how the principles, frameworks, and best practices from this course may best support your leadership development and career advancement goals.
  3. Personal Leadership Development Applications (1-2 pp.):
    Provide an action-oriented summary of how you will apply the relevant principles, frameworks, and best practices from the course to your development as a leader. Describe the specific actions, practices, tools, or other activities that you will apply to help reach your leadership development and career advancement goals. The course principles, frameworks, and best practices may be drawn from Managing Strategy, Organization Structure/Job Design, Talent and Performance Management, or any combination of these management functions.
  4. Organizational Applications (1-2 pp.):
    Provide an action-oriented summary of how your organization (or department, function, business unit, or team) may benefit from the relevant principles, frameworks, and best practices from the course. Describe the specific actions, practices, tools, or other activities that you would recommend to further develop your organization. You may describe ways in which one or more managerial functions or aspects of your organization may be enhanced via application of course content, such as strategic planning, performance appraisal and feedback systems, talent management practices, high-potential leadership assessment and development, alignment of organization structure and job design, or other key management practices.

Final Product

The final paper should be:

  • Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • APA style citations and references.
  • Approximately 4-5 pages in length (excluding cover page, references, appendices, etc.). Students will submit their paper via the ‘Assignments’ link in Courses at the conclusion of Session 7. Late papers will not be accepted.


The case analysis paper assignment will be evaluated according to the grading criteria outlined below:

Your Position, Organizational Context, & Advancement Goals

6 pts.

Personal Leadership Development Applications*

7 pts.

Organizational Applications*

7 pts.

Spelling/Grammar/Quality of Writing

5 pts.

TOTAL: 25 pts.

Managing Organizations Essay

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