MBA 630 Leading in a Multicultural Environment.
I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.
Can someone please answer questions 1-5 on different word documents? Attached is the information needed to complete the questions.
- Step 2 & 3 – Conclusion & Recommendation. Include a specific recommendation on what action, if any, the CEO should take based on your analysis and conclusions. Support your conclusions with references to ethical theory, legal principles, and laws. Answer in 250 words.
- Step 4 – What defenses might NBD have for each claim? How likely is it that NBD will win each claim? Answer in 250 words.
- Step 6 & 7 – What is the appropriate strategy going forward? Conduct a SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis to decipher what NBD should do in light of these strategic errors. Include a specific recommendation on what action, if any, the CEO should take based on your analysis and conclusions. Support your conclusion with references to cultural norms, strategy, and the principles of SWOT and PESTEL. Answer in 250 words.
- Step 8 & 9 – Four weeks ago, NBD’s Asian facility introduced an employee incentive plan with annual awards for outstanding individual performance by employees. Employees were encouraged to nominate a deserving colleague, or they could nominate themselves. So far there have been no nominations. The CEO, Janet Yoon, wants to know what’s wrong and whether the incentive plan should be scrapped. Conclusion. Support your conclusion with references to cultural norms, strategy, and ethical theory and principles. Answer in 250 words.
- Skills Gap Analysis: Use the same skills gap analysis file you used at the beginning of the course to self-evaluate the knowledge and skills you gained from working with Colossal. To complete this step, use the Project 5 worksheet by clicking the appropriate tab on the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Use the text box at the bottom of the page to write a reflection of no more than 500 words that identifies two to three skill gaps you worked to reduce over the past 10 weeks and discusses whether and how much you improved. Also reflect on the learning activities you pursued to help you develop your selected competencies.