MI 305 media and information policy.
Can you help me understand this Writing question?
The media, telecommunication, and information industries are among the most dynamic sectors in the economy. Moreover, they provide infrastructure and services for many other sectors—from finance to health care to manufacturing, to name just a few. These industries are also characterized by rapid technological change and entrepreneurial business innovation. Given their importance and economic impact (not to mention the high stakes for the sectors’ largest companies), many aspects of these industries are subject to state and federal legislation, regulation, and policy.
It is difficult to grasp the significance of developments and issues in these industries without a clear understanding of the complex interaction among technological innovations, business practices and economic dynamics, and legal-regulatory-policy aspects. MI 305 is intended to help you deepen your understanding of the economic implications of market dynamics and the role of legislation, regulation, and policy. It is also intended to help you develop your analytical and critical-thinking skills.
Please choose one of the policy topics, and find ten (10) journal articles that deal with the policy topic you selected.
Part 1:
Compile a reference list of the 10 articles. Do not choose the ten articles at random. You must read at least the abstract and conclusion to decide whether or not this article’s topic is indeed on media and information policy.