Mini essay about the course, Holocaust: History and Memory

Mini essay about the course, Holocaust: History and Memory.

I need an explanation for this History question to help me study.

Based on the readings, answer the following two questions separately. Each answer should be answered in two or three paragraphs around 150 words. To show an advanced level of interaction with the readings, answers must engage the required readings. You can cite the readings to support your points. Full sentences, proper spelling, and punctuation is required.

Question 1:
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is one of the most famous forgeries, and most influential anti-Semitic texts, ever written. What modern, perceived crises does this selection of the document pin on Jews?

Question 2:
In Family Papers, you are introduced to a Sephardic family from Salonica (present-day Thessaloniki, Greece). To what extent were they integrated into their city and state(s) prior to the Second World War?

Mini essay about the course, Holocaust: History and Memory

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