Mixed Methods Research

Mixed Methods Research.

I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.

Data Collection Plan Exercise – Due by Sunday, December 1

Attached Files:

Develop a basic research question surrounding the doctoral/graduate student research experience. Use a “concurrent” or “sequential mixed methods” design with a dominant qualitative paradigm or a dominant quantitative paradigm, or an equal weight, to develop a data collection plan based on the data generated by the class. You must include in your data collection plan from one quantitative and one available qualitative data stream generated in this course (e.g., photo elicitation, focus group interview questions, research experiences scale, research methods test, researcher identity memo, etc.), and you must weight the interpretation of these data types to enhance the qualitative results. Explain the rationale for selecting your data sources and how these data sources will answer your research question.

The following data sources may be used for this paper:

Data # Tool Type of Tool Blackboard location Module
1 Journal prompt QUAL Wiki 1
2 Photo elicitation QUAL Discussion Forum #1 1
3 Focus group interview questions QUAL Wiki 1
4 Philosophical beliefs scale QUANT Google Doc 2
5 Researcher self-efficacy scale QUANT Google Doc 2
6 Post graduate researcher experiences scale QUANT Google Doc 2

Identify the following in this paper:

  1. Research question(s)
  2. MM research design
  3. Data collection tools
  4. Rationale for selecting the design and the tools to answer your research question(s)
  5. Strengths and limitations of the data collection plan

Describe your data collection plan in a 3-5 page paper. Make certain that your paper includes an appropriate research question (or set of questions), a brief description of the design, and a brief discussion of the mixed method data collection plan and cautions/limitations. You are required to use course materials to justify each aspect of your plan.

Mixed Methods Research

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