Modern & Contemporary Art History Essay

Modern & Contemporary Art History Essay.

I’m studying and need help with a History question to help me learn.

Modern & Contemporary Art History Essay

Your essay should be at least six pages in length, typed and double-spaced. Please include a bibliography of your research and include proper citations (MLA format) in order to prevent plagiarism. Due December 3.

Choose one of the below:

1) Discuss how abstraction in the United States differed from earlier European abstraction.

2) Analyze the work of Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg as a reaction against Abstract Expressionism.

3) Choosing one or two artists, discuss the aims of activist interventions in art (think of feminism, identity politics, etc).

4) Andy Warhol is known as one of the key figures of the Pop movement. In what ways did Warhol critique mass media and commercialization in his artwork?

5) A topic of your choosing approved by Dr Holder.

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Modern & Contemporary Art History Essay

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