Module 03 Written Assignment – ICM vs. CRM

Module 03 Written Assignment – ICM vs. CRM.

I don’t understand this Marketing question and need help to study.

Write a 3 to 4 page paper describing the relationship between integrated marketing communications (IMC) and customer relationship management (CRM). The paper should include how IMC and CRM changed the way businesses interact with customers. Next, identify a company that has taken a message and tailored it for every part of a customer’s journey. For example, GoPro: Be a Hero, used this theme to connect with its target audience. The company used sponsorships, outdoor ads, and web and social media as a means to engage its customers. This marketing has been very successful.

A separate title page and reference page should be included and is not a part of the page count. The paper needs to follow APA format. Click here for a Library and Learning Services guide to APA.

Module 03 Written Assignment – ICM vs. CRM

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