Movie analysis

Movie analysis.

I need support with this Business question so I can learn better.

TOPIC: Analysis of Movie you have selected from those offered in the syllabus.

Watch, review and assess the ethics of


of the movies listed.

Movie1: Erin Brockovich.

This movie dramatically portrays business decisions

that pollute the soil and water. There are many ethical dilemmas in this movie.

Your assignment is to watch the movie and determine the time line for

unethical decisions. Further instructions are in Appendix C(4 Points).

Movie 2: The Big Short. This movie dramatically portrays the elements of human

greed and denial that led to the severe recession of 2008.

There are many ethical dilemmas in this movie. Your assignment is to watch the movie and determine

the time line for unethical decisions. Further instructions are in Appendix C(4Points).

Movie 3: The Help. This movie dramatically portrays the economic class divide

and servitude of African Americans in the old south. There are many ethical

dilemmas in this movie. Your assignment is to watch the movie and determine

the time line for unethical actions or decisions. Further instructions are in

Appendix C(4 points).

Movie 4: Do the Right thing. This movie dramatically portrays the economic class

divide and racism. There are many ethical dilemmas in this movie. Your

assignment is to watch the movie and determine the time line for unethical

actions or decisions. Further instructions are in Appendix C

(4 points).

After reviewing the Movie, assess the actions, ethics and situation using critical thinking as outlined. For

your Business Ethics course, you will review, assess and report the ethical dilemma in real business

situations. All these movies are dramatizations of real life.

The movie analysis assignment requires you to select a movie from those listed in the syllabus. Then do

several things.


Watch the selected movie

2. Note where and when the ethical breeches occurred. What where they and when did they

happen. When evaluating a business case from an ethical perspective it is important to note

when an unethical breech occurred. What was it and when is important in relationship to other

unethical acts. For example, in the movie Erin Brockivich, the first unethical decision was to use

a known cancer producing agent C6 to line the pipe gaskets. Other unethical actions followed in

a sequence to cover up the first unethical decision.

3. Answer the three basic questions below. Please use ethical concepts to enhance your analysis.

The following assessment criteria shall be used for the case study. More importantly, this ABC 3 step

critical thinking process may help you throughout your career:

1. (A) what were the factual antecedents that preceded an ethical breach, crisis, accident, crime or poor

judgment that made the ethical dilemma(s) transparent to those outside the specific enterprise? This

paragraph should illustrate the sequence of unethical actions or decisions.

2. (B1) what behavior was highly unethical? I expect you to describe a singular breach of ethical conduct.

(B2) What behaviors followed the initial breach of ethics? In other words, did one ethical breach

motivate or inspire more ethical breaches? For this portion of your case study, please utilize ethical

terms such as justice, fairness, welfare, freedom and virtue. Do not just list them in a sentence. Use the

word and then describe how the word clarifies the situations. For example if you refer to JUSTICE what is

out of balance between personal freedom and welfare or equality of society?

3. (C) What was the outcomes or consequences? Consider both short term and long term, financial,

reputation, relationships, image and/ or trust. Report if the cultural, social and legal landscapes have

changed for the better or worse based on this case.

This case study should be 1 to 1.5 pages. Answer each of the 3 questions (ABC). The majority of your

writing should address question 2, behaviors. What did the executives decide to do? The layout is single

spaced paragraph(s) for each of the 3 steps. Use the Movie

and other articles.

Cite your sources.

Movie analysis

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