multiple sclerosis paper – medical terminology class

multiple sclerosis paper – medical terminology class.

Help me study for my Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

topic : multiple sclerosis

Semester Project:

One of the objectives of the course is to ascertain knowledge of diseases and disorders which affect the major body systems.

The semester project will give the student an opportunity to study and learn about a particular disease state.

The semester project will link the vocabulary learned throughout the semester to real-life medicine.

Components of the Project:

  1. A written essay paper describing the disease. This paper should be no longer than 3 pages, typewritten, size 12 point font. The written paper should include a bibliography. This and all written assignments should be in APA format. The written paper should include a bibliography.
  • how the disease presents,
  • how it is diagnosed,
  • what system and organs are affected,
  • how it is treated,
  • and a discussion about how the disease relates to this course (medical terminology).

  • 2- A one-page original handout about the disease. The handout should be distributed to each member of the class during the presentation. A list of terms associated with the disease should be included. The final exam will include questions taken from these handouts and presentations.

Grading Criteria for Semester Project:

  1. A written paper describing the disease you have chosen. This paper should be no longer than 3 pages (unless necessary to completely cover your topic). The main objective is to thoroughly cover the topic. It should be typewritten, size 12 point font. The written paper should include a bibliography. This and all written assignments should be in APA format. Please be aware that this document will be run through Plagiarism software. Everything should be in your own words.

The following is an excellent website on APA formatting:

  1. The following are some excellent websites on adding narration:

multiple sclerosis paper – medical terminology class

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