nave-operational excellence-discussion 2 and replies

nave-operational excellence-discussion 2 and replies.

I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

discussion 2:This week we focus on the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.3 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text. Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another.


replies:main que:Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the workplace. Note what happens to the organizational climate when this resistance occurs and any tactics to reduce negative connotations when dealing with change.

pravarsh-he most peculiar and alarming problems that are faced by the business entrepreneurs is the resistance of the employees to change. This resistance comes in varied forms. The reduction can be seen as the output of the organization decreases; people plan to quit, so the quitting rate increases. IN such a situation, people request their jobs for transfer; there are scenes for quarrels amongst each other and rates of strikes increase with time. There are more awkward forms and reasons which can be alarming and troubling in future.

When the executives start witnessing their employees undergoing the process of resistance to change, they quote a cliché, that people are borne to change, and then they never look behind. It is a notified fact that changes must occur rapidly with time in any industry. This force puts pressure and influence all the little things to change, which take place in the current world. These changes must be a change in the work, changes in normal work routines or change in job profiles and their assignments (Castro, 2011).

The key solution to deal with people with changing resistances is to make the people actively involved in different parameters. But in some cases, it might be troubling. It is also important to understand the peculiar nature of resistance. Employees are more inclined towards bringing a social change rather than a technical change. Management can effectively take steps to deal with changing attitudes of the employees. In this direction, the performance level of the staff will considerably increase and are indirectly encouraged (Wooding, 2013).


deepa-In this information age, change is normal in an organization. Despite the change all around in the corporate world, the organization hesitates to make the change. Change is necessary for the survival and growth of the organization. The organization often fails in implementation because the middle manager and employees fail to make a change. Employees are fear of losing their job due to change. Resistance to make a change in an organization is not unusual nor is it constantly an awful thing. But when the management is reluctant to adopt change, the organization likely to headed for a problem. The employee will have low morale and the organization will lose its influence in the industry. Every product launched in the market was new once, yet innovation, designs and customer preference keep on developing. At the point when an organization neglects to stay aware of patterns and technological advances, it risks delivering items that no one needs anymore. Take, for example, the demand for television shows and videotapes of movies was high during the 20th century. Many organizations were exceptionally successful in selling recording cameras and video players. Many businesses opened to renting videos. Over time, due to development in internet and technology internet- streamed video and DVD started influencing the market. A hugely successful company like Blockbuster did not anticipate changes. This company ended up with a loss.

About 70% of the change in an organization fails due to employee negative attitude and inefficient management (Fionnuala Courtney, June 2016). The top management is responsible to define change clearly and to assign business objectives. This helps to identify the worth of change to employees and quantify the inputs and effort. Management should regulate the possible impact of change. You should develop a proper communication strategy for the implementation of change. The communication methodology ought to incorporate a course of events for how the change will be gradually communicated, key information, and the communication channels and mediums you intend to utilize.


nave-operational excellence-discussion 2 and replies

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