Need a wordpress assignment done. Easy work, feel free to ask me questions!

Need a wordpress assignment done. Easy work, feel free to ask me questions!.

I’m studying for my WordPress class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?



  • Create a custom theme using the Underscores starter theme


  • Download the Underscores starter theme
  • Create a custom theme based on the _s thee
  • Customize the theme according the course instructions

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Download the _s starter them 10 points
Create a new theme based on the _s theme in your WordPress Site 10 points
Customize the styles for the page header 20 points
Customize the styles for the page footer 20 points
Customize the main page layout 20 points
Customize the blog entry layout 20 points
Total 100 points

Need a wordpress assignment done. Easy work, feel free to ask me questions!

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