Need help with discussion post.
I’m trying to learn for my Communications class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
Enter the controversial topic that you are considering for your Monroe’s Motivated Sequence/PERSUASIVE (final) presentation. What is a controversial topic that people are actively fighting for or against? Choose one. Which side are you going to convince your audience of? Make sure to include your stance (for or against). Write the topic you are considering and why. Make sure to include the 5 steps of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. In addition to that please list possible items of research that you can include in your presentation to enhance your credibility (as discussed in chapter 4). Lastly, do not pick abortion, social media, healthy eating, marijuana. Those tend to be ones many pick. Choose something that you haven’t spoken on, yet. This is for a grade.
150-word minimum post AND 75-minimum word response to more than three classmates. The more replies you give the more points given. Don’t be afraid to disagree. Remember, this is for a grade. Please do not leave all of your post and replies for the last minute as posts will be deducted. Please post throughout the week. This makes for a much better discussion.