NetworkDefence week1

NetworkDefence week1.

Can you help me understand this Computer Science question?

Discussion1:250 words discussion and 2 general replies on discussion each of 150words.

Explain how a Denial of Service (DoS) attack works. After describing a DoS conduct some research and provide an example of a real company or website that was brought down by a DoS. What was the motive of the attacker(s)?

Discussion2:250 words discussion and 2 general replies on discussion each of 150words.

Choose a firewall that is currently on the market and write a technical “sales pitch” to your classmates on why they should choose the firewall you are selling.

Discussion3:250 words discussion and 2 general replies on discussion each of 150words.

What are some of the rules you should follow with packet filtering firewalls?

NetworkDefence week1

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