no copy paste from the web, Be aware of plagiarism, and example should be from my country(Nigeria). Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)

no copy paste from the web, Be aware of plagiarism, and example should be from my country(Nigeria). Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters).

I don’t know how to handle this Political Science question and need guidance.

no copy paste from the web, Be aware of plagiarism, and example should be from my country(Nigeria). Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)

Focused on the topic
Clear analysis and argumentation
Originality of ideas and presentation
Good structuring
Originality of ideas and presentation
Respecting the size and the timing

no copy paste from the web, Be aware of plagiarism, and example should be from my country(Nigeria). Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)

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