NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources

NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources.

I need support with this Nursing question so I can learn better.

I need a 3- to 5-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Appraise a time when you have felt professionally fulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Identify your own key intrinsic motivators and explain how these were evident in this situation. Cite specific examples.
  • Appraise a time when you have felt professionally unfulfilled. Describe the setting, your job title, and the roles and responsibilities in which you were engaged. Explain the motivator(s) that were absent and how this impacted your professional performance. Cite specific examples.
  • Discuss how you, as a nurse manager, might implement organization- or department-wide changes that would create an environment that engages staff through one or more intrinsic motivators.

NURS 6221: Managing Human Resources

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