On the instruction.

On the instruction..

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.

Note: Please read carefully.

This is an extra credit: It is to be written with a minimum of 1.5 pages and a maximum of 3 pages excluding the reference page. Each complete paragraph is to have 5-7 sentences. Up to a total of 10 points has to be earned towards my cumulative grade. Cite your source(s) as instructed on the syllabus for assignments (APA style of referencing).

What the paper has to be about: Compare and contrast William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, and the Ku Klux Clan position(s) on race relations in the United States. Also, identify their legacy today as it relates to race relations/discrimination in United States and/or worldwide.

Direction of how the paper will be graded:

-1 point for no reference page,

-1 point for improper in-text citations,

-1 reference page is not APA style of referencing,

-1 point for each unresponsive part of the question for the Freedom Rider/Episode 4 Podcast selection of the extra credit assignment,

-3 points for each unresponsive part of the movie choice for the extra-credit such as comparison, contrast, and relation to chapter in text,

-3 points for not discussing each individual/group position and legacy for the 2nd option

-2 for excluding the instructed website

-3 for using Wikipedia

On the instruction.

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