Packet Analyzers – This is a discussion needed with APA Citations and it has to be in 400 words.Attach a screen shot showing and discussing an analyzer’s use.

Packet Analyzers – This is a discussion needed with APA Citations and it has to be in 400 words.Attach a screen shot showing and discussing an analyzer’s use..

Need help with my Computer Science question – I’m studying for my class.

This week you will examine WireShark, a well-used network-packet analyzer. For this discussion:

  • Define a packet analyzer and describe its use
  • List commonly used packet analyzers (beyond WireShark)
  • List best practices for analyzing packets
  • Describe uses (good and bad, ie. hacker) of a packetanalyzer.
  • Discuss ways you would protect your own network data from being analyzed

Ideally, attach a screen shot showing and discussing an analyzer’s use.

Packet Analyzers – This is a discussion needed with APA Citations and it has to be in 400 words.Attach a screen shot showing and discussing an analyzer’s use.

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