Paraphrasing and Using Direct Quotations.
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- post a direct quotation from one of your sources as it would appear within the body of your research paper. Be sure that you introduce your quote with a signal phrase, provide some commentary for the quote, and include the appropriate in-text citations for your documentation style. Follow the source material with closing commentary or analysis to link it to your thesis/purpose.
- Next, paraphrase the same quotation and use a signal phrase and closing commentary to demonstrate how the paraphrase would appear in your research paper; include an in-text citation in the documentation style you are using for your paper. Be sure to label which documentation style you are using and include the appropriate bibliography entry as the source will appear on your works cited, reference, or bibliography page. It is best to avoid large block quotes for this assignment, since the goal is to integrate the quote into your writing. Simply inserting a large, indented block quote does not necessarily demonstrate that integration skill.
Please use attached thesis statement for reference. Also, please use one of the sources in the attached evaluation of sources document.