part of case study need help ( analysis)

part of case study need help ( analysis).

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

  1. Problem Identification (brief)
  2. Analysis – discuss in some detail the dynamics contributing to the problem identified along with the critical variables.
  3. Options (three, including ‘do nothing’)
  4. Recommendation
    1. Identify target audience – not your professor, rather, person in organization who has the authority to implement your recommended option.
    2. Identify assumptions
    3. Make a persuasive case for adopting one of the three reasonable options in section II.

The analysis part need help

  1. Analysis – discuss in some detail the dynamics contributing to the problem identified along with the critical variables.

based on other parts in attach

Doc is the case analysis, zip is the case

part of case study need help ( analysis)

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