peer reviewing 3 short memorandums.
I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.
- The memorandum header adheres to the instructions in the Legal Memorandum Guide. This includes the correct format and content.
- Does the memorandum have the correct layout of the header, matching the layout and directions from the Legal Memorandum Guide?
- Is the content of the memorandum header correct?
- Are “To”, “CC”, FROM, DATE, RE all correctly labeled, in bold capital letters?
- Is the addressee correct, including the correct title? Is the CC addressed to the correct person, with their correct title?
- Does the reference (RE) line have a description of the case concisely stated as a legal statement?
Comments for the memorandum header
- The document layout adheres to the instructions in the Legal Memorandum Guide. This includes the correct format and content.
- Is the body of the memorandum laid out following the Legal Memorandum Guide, including all section titles?
- Does the document include two appendices, each on its own page?
- Are the appendices titled correctly?
Comments for the document layout
- The Question Presented is located correctly in the document and is formatted like a legal question. It is stated clearly, concisely, and completely.
- Is the Question Presented stated as a legal question?
- Is the Question Presented concise or can you eliminate any words without changing the meaning?
- In the Question Presented clear or would rewording the question make it easier to understand?
Comments for the Question Presented
- The Brief Answer to the question is located correctly in the document and is formatted as the answer to a legal question. It is stated clearly, concisely and completely
- Is the Brief Answer stated as an answer to a legal question?
- Is the Brief Answer concise? Can you eliminate any words without changing the meaning?
- In the Brief Answer clear? Would rewording the answer make it easier to understand?
Comments for the Brief Answer section
- The Facts section is located correctly in the document. It clearly, concisely, and completely presents the data you were provided.
- Does the Facts section accurately and completely present the information provided?
- Can you change the wording or organization of this section to make the content clearer?
- Can you eliminate or replace words or phrases to make the section more concise while maintaining or enhancing the meaning?
Comments for the Facts section
- The appendices are located and identified correctly. Each appendix is on its own page and contains the correct information.
- Do the appendices each start on a new page?
- Do the appendices each have a title as shown in the Legal Memorandum Guide?
- Does Appendix B include a typewritten copy of the calculations completed?
- Do the statistical calculations use the correct approach and obtain the correct outcome?