PEPFAR Evaluation Design & Methodology.
I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.
Write a 4- to 5-page essay (utilizing at least 3–5 references) in which you:
- Describe the specific data collection methods and instruments you would use to evaluate your program. Clarify whether you would use quantitative methods of data collection, qualitative methods, or both. Justify your choice.
- Describe any disadvantages or pitfalls to the method of data collection in your evaluation plan.
- Provide a list of sample survey or questionnaire items for data collection (if relevant).
4–5 pages typed and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch page margins. Use headers throughout the paper to aid you in not overlooking vital elements of the assignment and to make the document easier for the reader to follow.
The subject should be on PEPFAR
Reading Material:
Goering, P., Boydell, K., & Pignatiello, A. (2008, Mar.). The relevance of qualitative research for clinical programs in psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(3), 145-151. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Menon, P., Mbuya, M., Habicht, J.-P., Pelto, G., Loechl, C. U., & Ruel, M. T. (2008, Mar.). Assessing supervisory and motivational factors in the context of a program evaluation in rural Haiti. The Journal of Nutrition. 138(3), 634-637. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Creedy, D. K., Mitchell, M., Seaton-Sykes, P., Cooke, M., et al. (2007, Oct.). Evaluating a Web-enhanced bachelor of nursing curriculum: perspectives of third-year students. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(10), 460-467. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Enander, R. T., Gagnon, R. N., Choudary, R., Hanumara, C., et al. (2007, May). Environmental health practice: Statistically based performance measurement. American Journal of Public Health, 97(5), 819-824. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Lloyd, R. C. (2007, Summer). In God we trust; all others bring data. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 23(4), 33-38. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Muckle, S. (2007, Jul.). An evaluation of a primary care-based weight management initiative. Community Practitioner, 80(7), 20-23. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Powell, J. (2007, Oct.). An interventional radiology clinical rotation to enhance student learning. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(10), 476-479. Retrieved from ProQuest.
Thomas, C. W., Smith, B. D., & Wright-DeAgüero. (2006, Aug.).The program evaluation and monitoring system: A key source of data for monitoring evidence-based HIV prevention program processes and outcomes. AIDS Education and Prevention, 18 (Suppl. A), 74-80. Retrieved from ProQuest.
PEPFAR Evaluation Design & Methodology
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