Persuasive Essay: Portfolio Assessment and University First-year Writing Courses

Persuasive Essay: Portfolio Assessment and University First-year Writing Courses.

I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Length: 1,000 -1,200/4-5 pages not including the works cited page

Essay structure: five-paragraph essay (introduction, three bodies, conclusion)

Specific requirements for each paragraph:


1) Personal experiences of your previous English writing grading; that is, how was it graded?

2) Thesis statement: take a position and three reasons


1) your reason 1 in a topic sentence

2) Discussions and two different research articles as supports to your reason 3) Concussing sentence (optional) Body 2 … Body 3 …


1) restate your position and three reasons (Don’t discuss three reasons in details any more) 2) Your suggestions/recommendations

Work cites: please dm me for those work cites. IT REALLY NEEDS ITTT!

Persuasive Essay: Portfolio Assessment and University First-year Writing Courses

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