Persuasive essay.
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Based on the following writing plan write a 1000 word persuasive essay Inlcude the 3 apa references. below
- The paper has a running head that is the title of your paper in ALL CAPS. It is accompanied by a page number. Use your header function to create this line. Do not type it as text in the actual text area for your writing. (See your help function for information on creating headers and section breaks.)
- The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.
- The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.
- Paper should include title page, abstract and reference page.
Thesis Statement
Topic: The concept of Globalization is connoted differently by scholars, and researchers approach it from diverse points of view. However, Globalization is widely connoted as the procedures and aspects that enhance interdependence and integration among nations. The enhancement of incorporation by the process of Globalization is through financial flows and trading activities. While some people portend that Globalization enhances inequality and fosters hostility, other scholars have postulated that Globalization has the potential of improving the world’s economic development.
Thesis Statement: Globalization is an aspect of exquisite significance which fosters the economy of the world and enhances economic integration.
Reason #1: Globalization has enhanced multinational integration and cooperation hence fostering international linkages and relationships among the countries.
The relationships that emerge among the countries are as a result of Globalization. Globalization can encourage trading relationships among countries making the nations to relate effectively with one another. Globalization has heightened the extent to which people move from one state to one another hence intensifying the relationships among people from various countries.
Reason #2: Globalization helps in linking the countries from a political aspect.
The interconnection of the world through Globalization gives a chance for the countries to share their political goals and objectives. The discussion of the political ideologies and aspects by the states and nations provides an opportunity for the countries to foster their political relationships and incept ways in which they can curtail political instability.
Reason #3: Globalization results in the inception of quality services and products by the involved organizations.
Globalization is known to spearhead competition among firms that offer various products and services. When there is stiff competition among organizations, the firms tend to provide services and products of high quality to enhance the loyalty of their customers and maintain their positions in the market. For local companies, Globalization triggers them to increase the quality of their services to avoid losing their customers to foreign companies and institutions. The increase in competition due to Globalization has resulted in the inception of efficient markets and stabilization of security.
Source #1: Stern, R. M., & Deardorff, A. V. (2011). Comparative Advantage, Growth, and the Gains from Trade and Globalization: A Festschrift in Honor of Alan V Deardorff. New Jersey: World Scientific.
The source supports the view that Globalization has enhanced multinational integration and cooperation hence fostering international linkages and relationships among the countries. Ideally, the source explores how Globalization has improved the growth of global companies and how it has enhanced the relations and ties of firms from various countries.
Source#2: Rajagopal. (2009). Globalization Thrust: Driving Nations Competitive. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
The source supports the view of Globalization by portending that globalization results in the inception of quality services and products by the involved organizations. According to the author, Globalization drives the competition of firms and nations, making them focus on the inception and development of services and products of high quality.
Source #3: Medhekar, A., & Roy, K. C. (2010). Globalization and Development: Country Experiences. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
The particular source supports the aspect of Globalization by denoting that Globalization helps in linking the countries from a political perspective. The authors claim that Globalization binds the nations politically and triggers their development.
Opposing View
The critiques of Globalization have counter-argued the positive impact of Globalization by denoting that Globalization has resulted in the decline of national identity. Besides, Globalization has resulted in the reduction of the sovereignty of the state. The evolution of Globalization has altered the political, social, and economic task of rule since the state can depend on other nations to accomplish such tasks.
The information of Globalization is targeted to
Companies and states to inform them of the significance of Globalization in enhancing the operation of their activities. Through an in-depth understanding of the concept of Globalization, the nations and organizations can advocate for Globalization and realize the positive impacts of Globalization.
Globalization is an aspect of exquisite significance that fosters both the economy and politics of the world and enhances economic integration. It is crucial to realize the rationale as to why the concept of Globalization should be supported. Nations and corporations should instill the knowledge of Globalization and its importance to their stakeholders and fully advocate for Globalization.
Medhekar, A., & Roy, K. C. (2010). Globalization and Development: Country Experiences. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Raja opal. (2009). Globalization Thrust: Driving Nations Competitive. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Stern, R. M., & Deardorff, A. V. (2011). Comparative Advantage, Growth, and The Gains From Trade And Globalization: A Festschrift In Honor Of Alan V Deardorff. New Jersey: World Scientific.
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